There are many different diets to choose from, but very few are as popular as the Paleo Diet. This unique diet is designed to recreate how humans ate thousands of years ago. While the basics of the Paleo Diet are quite simple, many people aren’t exactly sure what they can and cannot eat throughout the day. Here is a closer look at the origins of the Paleo Diet and a few tips that will make this diet easier to adopt.
The Origins of the Paleo Diet
Over the last few decades, quite a bit of research has been done on the modern diet. This research continues to show us that our diet has a tremendous impact on every aspect of our health. The foods that we eat every day affect our energy levels, immune system, emotional stability, and cognitive abilities. Many of the ingredients that we once believed to be healthy are actually quite damaging to the body. Most experts agree that we aren’t supposed to eat refined sugar, grains, alcohol, and dairy products. The goal of the Paleo Diet is to replace processed ingredients with fresh produce, healthy fats, lean meats, nuts, and seafood.
Understanding the Science Behind the Paleo Diet
Doctors and other health experts have recently come to realize that the human body can’t efficiently process many of the most popular foods and ingredients that humans eat today. Substances such as gluten and white sugar not only impact an individual’s weight, but they also create a myriad of additional health issues. We know that those substances are directly related to a variety of metabolic problems ranging from type 2 diabetes to heart disease. The vast majority of the population will benefit from a simplified diet based on fresh foods.
Starting the Paleo Diet
The Paleo Diet is actually quite simple once you understand the basics. You shouldn’t eat any products that our ancient ancestors didn’t eat. If you are having a tough time starting the Paleo Diet, then try to break it down into manageable steps. Many people begin by slowly removing processed foods and ingredients from their kitchens and pantries. As you remove those items, you can then replace them with healthier alternatives. You might need to do some experimentation to determine which Paleo foods you enjoy cooking and eating. When you find a savory new dish or ingredient, you can then add it to your meal plan.
What to Eat and What to Avoid
Your Paleo diet should consist of fresh produce, nuts, seeds, meats, eggs, seafood, and healthy fats. One of the biggest controversies within the Paleo community is the consumption of dairy products. Some enthusiasts claim that certain forms of dairy can be quite beneficial to our gut health. Others believe that dairy is almost always processed and should be kept out of the Paleo diet. As a general rule, those who decide to eat dairy products should keep the portions to an absolute minimum. Dairy products that are high in fat and low in lactose are the best options.
Foods that are processed and packaged should be avoided entirely. Those who are on the Paleo diet also need to avoid legumes, grains, starches, and alcohol. Before eating anything, you must first read the entire ingredient list to determine how the food was made. Many foods that are classified as “healthy” actually contain hidden ingredients to mask their taste. People are often surprised to hear that some of their favorite snacks and meals contain processed sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or grains.
Sticking to the Paleo Diet isn’t an easy process, but the health benefits are staggering. The Paleo diet is a great option for anyone who is struggling with obesity, allergies, metabolic diseases, chronic fatigue, and a variety of other serious health disorders.
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